Please complete this form when a student earns a school managed reward.
• Responsible: You must eat your lunch first. This is not a time to socialize with friends. • Respect: Students should treat all cafeteria staff, fellow students, and teachers with kindness and respect. If you choose not to help a student, you will lose permission to continue helping. • Uniform: You must also wear your ID badge up high on your shoulder for all staff to see. • Water: Students must raise their hand to get a drink of water, you may give permission if you do not see anyone at the water fountain. • Share Bin: Only Lunchroom Helpers can go to the share bin and see what options there are for items. Do not let students get up to go look at the items, you can ask, “Is there something you are looking for?” • Trash Cans: You can push trash cans down the tables. Remind students to be gentle when dumping their trays. Handwashing: Students should wash their hands thoroughly after assisting in the cafeteria.
Be Safe: I will only be in the media when an adult is with me. I will be safe and walk while helping in the media. Be Respectful: I will follow all directions given to me by Mrs. Crouse. I will be respectful and helpful to everyone who is in the media center. Be Responsible: I will do the work that is asked of me.
Be Safe: I will be safe and walk while helping in the front office. I will not open doors without being told to by an adult. Be Respectful: I will follow all directions given to me by any of the front office staff. I will be respectful and helpful to everyone who is in the front office. Be Responsible: I will do the work that is asked of me.
Be Safe: I will only be in a classroom if a teacher is there. Be respectful: I will do what the adult asks of me. I will listen to all directions of the adult. Be Responsible: I will not interrupt the learning of other students.
Be Safe: I will follow all the school rules and listen to the directions of the safety patrol. Be Responsible: I will take duties seriously and will not use the time to talk with other students. Be Respectful: I will be helpful at all time, and ensure I treat everyone nicely and fairly.