*Updated 10-17-22* Pasco County will have monthly Early Release Days starting in September. Oakstead students will be released at 1:50 PM on the following days:
- September 7th
- October 5th
- November 2nd
- December 7th
- CANCELLED– January 11th
- CANCELLED- February 1st
- CANCELLED- March 1st
- CANCELLED- April 12th
- January 3, a Tuesday, will now be a regular school day for students and staff. January 3 is currently on the calendar as a teacher planning day and a non-student day. Instead, both teachers and students will return for the Second Semester on January 3 as a regular school day.
- February 20, a Monday, will be a regular school day for students and teachers. It is currently on the calendar as a non-school day for students and teachers, and is Presidents Day.