January 24th- Weekly Communication

Hello Oakstead families,  I hope everyone had a great weekend! Last week we held our field day events, they were a huge success! We want to thank our volunteers for your support, our otters had a great time.  Please click here for more weekly news.

January 17th- Weekly Communication

Hello Oakstead families, I hope everyone had a great weekend! We officially kicked off our Den system last week. Students had the opportunity to spin the wheel for prizes. We will have a live stream of the spin on Facebook Live every Wednesday. Primary will spin at...

January 10th- Weekly Communication

Hello Oakstead families,  We have officially kicked off our Den system. Our first spin day will be this Wednesday! We are excited to share this positive incentive with our learners. We will hold our Dairy Queen night this Thursday 1/12. Families, thank you for your...

January 3rd- Weekly Communication

Hello Oakstead families,  We want to welcome back our families and we hope you all enjoyed your time off for winter break. We have several upcoming events this month, so please take the time to review this communication. We are excited to start this new year Otter...

STEM Fair Showcase

Our STEM Showcase photos are below.  Thank you to all who participated!  A special thank you to our Sunlake High School Science Honor Society volunteer judges.