January 3rd- Weekly Communication

Good morning Oakstead families,  Happy New Year!!!  We are so excited to be back at school and ready to kick off 2022.  One of the biggest changes will be our adjusted bell schedule.  Please pay careful attention to our updated times and reach out if you have any...

December 14th- Weekly Communication

Good morning Oakstead families, Thank you to everyone that came out to support our school this past Friday for Winter Fest.  It was great to spend time with families and enjoy the holiday season!  This is our final week of the 2021 school year.  Please reference the...

December 7th- Weekly Communication

Good morning Oakstead families,  Winterfest is coming this Friday.  Oakstead is super excited to host Winterfest on campus December 10th, from 5:30pm-7:30pm.  We will be asking for $10.00 family donations that will be used to cover staff and student incentives for the...

November 30th- Weekly Communication

Good morning Oakstead families,  Welcome back.  We hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving Break.  I know we are excited to be back with students especially as we kick off our Oakstead December activities.  Please reference the attached calendar  and follow us on...

November 16th- Weekly Communication

Good morning Oakstead Families, Fall has arrived!  Many students are coming to school in the morning with their jackets and sweatshirts but leaving them around campus as the day warms up. We will post a video to Facebook later today highlighting all the clothing we...