School Lunches & Visitors

Lunch visitors must present a physical ID and Raptor into our system before entering our campus. Parents are welcome to have lunch with their child, weather permitting. Due to our enrollment growth and safety commitment for all students, we limit our lunchtime to outdoor seating only. To ensure the safety and supervision of all children, parents may only have lunch with their own children. No other children will be removed from the cafeteria. We ask that you limit your visits to once or twice a month. Lunchtime is one of the few times of the day where children can socialize with their classmates. Some students might choose to bring in a snack that can be consumed quickly due to an earlier or later lunchtime (i.e., granola bar). Students must be released with their teacher and prepared to walk with the class after lunch.

MealViewer website- Oakstead                                         Pay for School Lunch website-