About Us

Oakstead Elementary is a Five Star Award winning community school located within the Oakstead Subdivision in Land O Lakes, Florida.  Just north of Tampa Bay, Oakstead opened its doors in 2006 as part of Pasco County Schools.  Currently our school serves over 1,100 students in grades K through five, with a VE Pre-K class for Varying Exceptionalities and a Pre-K blended class. Oakstead participates in the Florida PBIS Project initiative and has been a Gold Model School for four years.  Oakstead has been a chapter member of National Elementary Honor Society since 2008.

This year our school-wide motto is Five Dens..One Pond..Otter Strong. We value the development of the whole child and know the importance of good character. All students and staff will promote kindness and our fifth grade classes will do service learning projects throughout the year.  Teachers, students and parents can work together to create students who are College, Career, and Life Ready.

We have an active PTA and School Advisory Council made up of energetic parents, community partners, and staff.  In addition, we have some generous business partners who collaborate with our school so that students are the winners!  We appreciate the support and involvement of our many families and students and all that they do to make our school a success.

2023-24 school hours have been updated as of June 15, 2023 to 9:40 AM – 3:50 PM.  Arrival begins at 9:20, First Bell is 9:30, Second Bell is 9:40.  Buses are available for students that live more than two miles from the school. Parents need to register their student for a bus, and you can contact the office for more information. Please note that new bus registrations can take up to 3 full days to be assigned during the school year.

Dress Code information can be found here:https://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/library/student_services/conduct/csc_eng.pdf.  Students may wear shorts and skirts as long as they are no more than 4” above the knee.  Spaghetti straps and strapless tops are not acceptable. Slippers are not acceptable.  The principal, or designee, will make the decision if a student’s appearance meets school and community standards.  The principal’s decision on the appropriateness of dress is final.  While on any District School Board of Pasco County schools or campus, at any school function or on any school sponsored transportation, students are prohibited from wearing clothing that exposes underwear or body parts in an indecent or vulgar manner or that disrupts the orderly learning environment.  Students’ clothing shall be worn appropriately with no abdomen skin or underwear exposed.

Drop-Off and Pick-Up Information

Car Riders:

Car Line Arrival: We will begin to unload cars in the car loop at 9:20 AM.  Students will gather outside the office until the 9:30 AM bell to be released to their classrooms.  There are two lanes when entering the car loop.  It is vital to stay in your lane and wait until a staff member opens your door before releasing your child.  Please be aware that our Pre-K parents will park and walk their children to the media center for drop-off.

Car Line Dismissal: Dismissal will begin at 3:50 PM.  Parents will remain in their car, in their lane, with their current car tag visible.  Proceed to the next available numbered space and wait for your child. Once your child is loaded into your car, you will remove your car tag and wait for the signal to drive off.  Florida Law states that cell phone usage is prohibited when operating a vehicle on school property.  Please note if you forget your car tag, you will be required to park your car and show a valid drivers license in the front office before we will release your child.  Remember, this is for their safety.  Pre-K parents will park and pick their child up from the media center.


PLACE Arrival: PLACE drop-off is from 6:30 AM to 9:00 AM.  Parents will need to park their cars in the main parking lot and walk their children to the cafeteria through the front main entrance gate outside the front office.  There will be NO PLACE drop-offs after 9:00 AM.

PLACE Dismissal: PLACE PICKUP Is between 4:20 PM to 6:00 PM.  If you need to pick up your child before 4:20 PM, an online Otter Runner will need to be submitted to change dismissal to car rider. Be sure to have your car tag on your car.  No parents will be allowed access to PLACE before 4:20 PM.  Until 4:20, we are in “Active” dismissal procedures, and parents arriving for PLACE pickup before 4:20 pm will need to wait until our car line is complete. Parents can find additional information about the PLACE program at https://myasep.com/place/

Walkers/Bike Riders:

Arrival: Students who walk or ride their bikes to school will enter campus through the designated gate on Lake Patience Road. Parents are not permitted beyond the gate. Staff will be assigned to supervise this area and assist students as needed.  Please do not arrive too early. Gates will open at 9:20 AM.  Students will wait near the bike rack until the 9:30 AM bell to be released to their classrooms.

Dismissal: Dismissal will begin at 3:50 PM. Parents wishing to meet their children can do so at the gate on Lake Patience Road.  A staff member will supervise students until they are at the gate.  When you designate your child as a walker/bike rider, you allow them to walk off the campus without an adult pickup.

Bus Riders:

Bus Arrival/Dismissal: Students who ride the bus must follow the District bus expectations outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.  Buses enter through the bus loop and when instructed, students will load and unload from the bus. Students will enter and exit the campus through the bus gate. In the afternoon, students are escorted to their buses by a teacher. This ensures students get to the buses safely. Cars are not allowed in the bus loop when we are in active arrival/dismissal times.

Otter Runners:

When a change needs to be made in how your child goes home, parents will fill out an “OTTER RUNNER” request. All requests are made from our school website https://oes.pasco.k12.fl.us/.  All change requests must be submitted by 3:00 pm to ensure your child and the classroom teacher are aware of the change. Please do NOT message the teacher or send in a note; completing an OTTER RUNNER request is necessary to ensure your child goes home the correct way.


Our administrative team is comprised of our Principal, Clare Ennis, and Assistant Principal Kimberly Natal.  We are proud of our students and families and all that we undertake to give back to our community.  We appreciate the support and involvement of our many families and students and all that they do to make our school a success.  Please feel free to contact us if you would like any additional information about our school.

Contact an Administrator

Principal: Clare Ennis cennis@pasco.k12.fl.us
Assistant Principal: Kimberly Natal knatal@pasco.k12.fl.us

School Theme & School Song

School Theme

Five Dens…One Pond…Otter Strong!

School Song

Watch our School Song, performed by Mr. Watson and Mrs. Byrd!

Otter Learning Motto

Today is a great day for learning! I will work hard and look for opportunities to grow. I will do my very best with what I can. Today, I will achieve success.

Awards, Honors, and Recognitions

PBIS Gold Model School

2019 – 2020

2017 – 2018

2016 – 2017

2015 – 2016

2014 – 2015

PTA School of Excellence

2020 – 2022