Oakstead Elementary School
Principal: Clare Ennis
Assistant Principal: Kimberly Natal
19925 Lake Patience Rd
Land O Lakes, FL 34638
Phone: (813) 346-1500
Fax: (813) 346-1591
School Hours 9:40 – 3:50
Student Transportation Changes?
Please fill out our Online Otter Runner for student dismissal changes.
PLEASE NOTE- Same day changes to dismissal WILL NOT be accepted after 3:00 PM in order to maintain security and safety during dismissal for over 1,000+ students that attend Oakstead. Our first priority is to ensure safe dismissal for ALL students.
Have a question or want to provide feedback? You’re in the right place! Let’s Talk! is designed to streamline communication by giving you a central location to submit a question, concern, or comment. Provide your contact information and someone from our school will get back to you very soon.
OES Facebook
Weekly Communication
Weekly Communication 3/24/25
Dear OES Families, Please find the link below for our weekly school communication newsletter with important school events, announcements, and activities: https://secure.smore.com/n/317su
Weekly Communication 3/10/25
Dear OES Families, Please find the link below for our weekly school communication newsletter with important school events, announcements, and activities: https://secure.smore.com/n/dpskh...
Weekly Communication 2/24/25
Dear OES Families, Please find the link below for our weekly school communication newsletter with important school events, announcement, and activities: https://secure.smore.com/n/yku4z
Weekly Communication 2/17/25
Dear OES Families, Please find the link below for our weekly school communication newsletter with important school events, announcement, and activities: https://secure.smore.com/n/jpws9
Principal’s News
Lunch Visits Cancelled 9/25-9/27
*New Message from our Principal* Good afternoon, In anticipation with the inclement weather heading our way, we will need to cancel Lunch Visitors on Wednesday September 25th through Friday...
Afternoon Dismissal Information
Hello! We wanted to make sure all our Otter families are aware of our dismissal changes. As per our newsletter coming out this week, if you have a change in your student's transportation, please...
Meet the Teacher Day
Please come and meet your child's teacher on August 7th at OES. We ask that you arrive during the assigned time based on your child's last name. On 'Meet the Teacher Day' you can drop your school...
Supply Lists
Our Supply lists have now been finalized! Please click the link below to see your child's school supply list for their grade. Thank you! Gifted 3-5...