Oakstead Elementary School
Principal: Clare Ennis
Assistant Principal: Kimberly Natal
Assistant Principal: Kerri Leahy
19925 Lake Patience Rd
Land O Lakes, FL 34638
Phone: (813) 346-1500
Fax: (813) 346-1591
School Hours 9:40 – 3:50
Student Transportation Changes?
Please fill out our Online Otter Runner for student dismissal changes.
PLEASE NOTE- Same day changes to dismissal WILL NOT be accepted after 3:00 PM in order to maintain security and safety during dismissal for over 1,000+ students that attend Oakstead. Our first priority is to ensure safe dismissal for ALL students.
Have a question or want to provide feedback? You’re in the right place! Let’s Talk! is designed to streamline communication by giving you a central location to submit a question, concern, or comment. Provide your contact information and someone from our school will get back to you very soon.
OES Facebook
Weekly Communication
Weekly Communication 8/5/24
Hello Otter families! Thank you for making our 'Meet the Teacher' a success. We look forward to seeing our students on Monday. Please click the link below for our weekly newsletter....
Supply Lists
Our Supply lists have now been finalized! Please click the link below to see your child's school supply list for their grade. Thank you! Gifted 3-5...
Weekly Communication 5/13/24
Please see the weekly smore for all the happenings in the Otter Pond! If you are a Kindergarten family member or 5th grade family member please RSVP today to the ceremonies to ensure a timely...
Weekly Communication 4/29/24
Hello Otter Families! Keeping you up to date with all that is happening in our otter pond. Please pay special attention to our testing calendar. We have a busy couple of weeks so please try to get...
Principal’s News
22-23 Early Release Days
*Updated 10-17-22* Pasco County will have monthly Early Release Days starting in September. Oakstead students will be released at 1:50 PM on the following days: September 7th October 5th November...